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Professional Recognition

Professional recognition is the recognition of a foreign qualification for the purpose of employment in a certain profession. The recognition of qualifications for professional (employment) purposes depends largely on whether the profession in question is regulated or is not regulated in the host country.

Regulated professions

The profession is regulated if the national legislation of the host country stipulates that specific requirements need to be met in order to be allowed to practise this profession. Every country can choose what professions to regulate. In regulated professions, you need a license or certificate from a regulatory body in order to work and use the specific job title associated with that career. This often applies to professions in the health, safety and social services sectors. 

If a profession is regulated, the state nominates competent authorities for the recognition of foreign qualifications for professional (employment) purposes. In order to work in a regulated profession with foreign qualifications, one must apply for the recognition of these qualifications by the designated competent authority.

Non-regulated professions

A profession is non-regulated if there is no legal requirement for a licence, certificate or registration with a competent authority to work in that occupation. If you want to work in a non-regulated profession, you do not formally need to seek recognition. It is up to your employer to assess whether you have the education, training and experience required for the job. A (voluntary) recognition assessment can be helpful for employers to identify your knowledge and skills.

For detailed information regarding professional recognition in the host country, please contact the designated assistance centres:

  • The ENIC-NARIC national information centre (see the list of countries XXX) can assist you or direct you to the appropriate source of information.
  • In accordance with Directive 2005/36/EC (last amended by Directive 2013/55/EU) all EU countries have assigned National Contact Points that can give you information on the recognition of your professional qualifications. They can also guide you through the administrative formalities you need to complete. 
  • In order to know if a profession is regulated in a EU country, please visit the Regulated Professions Database. It contains information on the regulated professions covered by Directive 2005/36/EC ,statistics on migrating professionals, contact points and competent authorities. This applies to professions regulated in the EU Member States, EEA countries and Switzerland.
  • For information on professional recognition procedures in other countries, please visit the Recognition Conventions section and/or directly contact the national authority of the country concerned.